About this Course

About This Course

  • This course is a collection of everything I have learned about analyzing stocks & businesses from reading, watching, and listening to everything investing related, as well as from my own experience with investing, and from that of others.
  • This is the same information and process I use for analyzing my own investments (such as seen on Substack or YouTube). The best example of applying this work may be my analysis on a new company Cardlytics acquired, Bridg, as well as analyzing POS venders like Toast, Square, NCR, and PAR (Substack Write-Up, YouTube Video, Apple Podcast, Spotify Podcast).
  • This is also the same information and process I use when others use my investment consulting services to analyze new investments, review existing analysis, or analyze specific company situations and developments.
  • Where possible, I provide links to resources, as well as use actual companies as examples (such as Cardlytics and Carvana).

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